Employee Directories, Profiles, + Blocks

Discover Employee Skills, Experience, + Interests


Employee Directories

Search, filter, and browse Employee Directories to discover employee contact information, skills, experience, and interests. Custom fields, saved views, and grouping make it easy to organize employees by office, department, discipline, and more.


Employee Profiles

Dive deeper into employee skills, experience, and interests with our highly configurable Employee Profiles. 


Employee Blocks

Use employee profile data to populate Employee Blocks throughout Synthesis. When your employee information changes, your blocks all update automatically. Smart, right?


Editable Profiles

Employees Profiles can be configured to allow employees to update their own headshots and certain fields on their profiles.


Mapped Employee Fields

Employee fields can be mapped to Synthesis from Deltek, Unanet, aec360, Microsoft Dynamics 365, OpenAsset, or Azure Active Directory to populate Employee Directories, Profiles, and Blocks. 


Custom Employee Fields

Easily create custom fields using a wide variety of field types, including dropdowns, checkboxes, short text, long text, and URLs to populate Employee Directories, Profiles, and Blocks. 


Centralize Employee Information From Multiple Locations

Sync information from Deltek Vantagepoint, Deltek Vision, Deltek Ajera, Unanet, aec360, Microsoft Dynamics 365, OpenAsset, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft Teams into Employee Directories, Profiles, and Blocks. 


Want to learn more about Synthesis?

Send us an email    |     415.523.0410